Anglicky o cenu Munkovy nadace

Je tu další ročník soutěže studentů kutnohorských gymnázií v anglicky psaných pracích o cenu Studijního nadačního fondu Dr. Ing. Františka Munka a Naděždy Munkové – Prášilové!

Jako vždy se skládá z eseje a obhajoby, veškeré další informace jsou přiloženy. Témata pro letošní ročník:

  1. Do you have stories from your parents or grandparents about earlier times? Photos? If not, maybe you could interview an older person about their memories. Or do some research on the house or street that you live on – who lived there etc. What would things be like if the silver mines were still producing? Did World War II change Kutna Hora? If so, how? What do you know about the Jewish residents during WW II? How important was St Barbara church in the lives of the people of the town? What were the schools like in earlier days?
  2. Now you have all this technology to communicate and stay in touch with friends – but what would life be like without those things, as it was in earlier times when the main social event of the day was walking around the main square in the evening to see your friends and make new ones? (Parents of Suzanne Prasil – Munk say that is where they fell in love in the 1920s). How would you handle your life without all the technology?
  3. Why do many Americans vote for Trump and his party?
  4. Why do so many Czechs vote for Babis’s ANO party?
    Práce musí být zaslány do 1. 2. 2021 na email, obhajoby se uskuteční na GJO v týdnu od 8. 2. 2021, pokud to PES dovolí, pokud ne, tak v nejbližším možném termínu.
Publikováno v kategorii Různé.